Develop FHIR server

This section guides you on how to set up the development environment for GameBus FHIR layer and how to start a local test FHIR server.

Set up dev environment

Step 1, install the following dependencies

  1. Java JDK (>=17)

  2. Apache Maven (>=3.8)

Step 2, build mapping engine

Check this section to build Google Whistle mapping engine (C shared library), which is used by FHIR server to convert data.

Step 3, set mapping configs

Mapping configs are the rules used by Google Whistle mapping engine to convert data from one format to another. The repo of mapping configs has pre-defined rules for data conversion between GameBus and FHIR. It should be set properly to be used in GameBus FHIR layer, see the steps below:

First, clone mapping configs repo

git clone

Let’s assume the path of this clone is MAPPING_CONFIG_PATH, e.g. /home/mapping_configs.

Then, update all local_path variables in gamebus_fhir_r4/configurations/*.textproto files.

If the path of the cloned repo (your MAPPING_CONFIG_PATH) is /mapping_configs, you don’t need to do anything; Otherwise, you MUST update all local_path with absolute path.

Step 4, clone source code

git clone

The gamebus-fhir-layer repo contains the implementation of the FHIR server by taking advantage of HAPI FHIR framework.

Resource for developing FHIR server

Now it’s ready for further development of FHIR server based on HAPI FHIR framework, e.g. adding or changing FHIR resources or operations.

HAPI FHIR website has great documentation for developers to build an FHIR server. Also, you could check existing code in gamebus-fhir-layer repo to get a sense of how the HAPI FHIR framework works.

Start a local test server

Start a local FHIR server to test new functionalities:

# make sure you are working in the gamebus-fhir-layer repo
cd gamebus-fhir-layer

# Replace "[GAMEBUS_API_URL]" and "[mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH]" with real values
mvn -D="jna.library.path=/usr/local/lib" \
    -Dgb.url="[GAMEBUS_API_URL]" \
    -Dgwc.player="[mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH]/gamebus_fhir_r4/configurations/player.textproto" \
    -Dgwc.activity="[mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH]/gamebus_fhir_r4/configurations/activity.textproto" \
  • -D="jna.library.path=/usr/local/lib" sets the path of mapping engine shared library

  • -Dgb.url="[GAMEBUS_API_URL] sets the URL of GameBus REST API, which is

  • -Dgwc.player="[mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH]/gamebus_fhir_r4/configurations/player.textproto" sets the mapping config for GameBus player data. Replace the [mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH] with the real value of the absolute path of the mapping configs repo (see step 3 above).

  • -Dgwc.activity="[mapping_configs_ABSOLUTE_PATH]/gamebus_fhir_r4/configurations/activity.textproto" sets the mapping config for GameBus activity data.

By default, the server will be served at the base “http://localhost:8080”.

To test the FHIR server, it’s required to add test data to GameBus, check the tutorial to see how to add data to GameBus.

Then you can send HTTP requests to test the new functionalities of the FHIR server. See this tutorial about how to request on FHIR REST API.